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Jem Decal- Where Do I Get It

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Why isn't it the real thing? It's a Wizard ll neck that i'm using of my RG570, and what are Jem necks? Exactly.

As for decieving people-everyone knows that Jem guitars don't come left handed(i Don't count jem555),so everyone WILL know that it's not real.

By the way dont lecture me about these things, I asked nicely, so if you can help- then help, otherwise shut it.


Vuk from B):D

Edited by buckethead777
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Why isn't it the real thing? It's a Wizard ll neck that i'm using of my RG570, and what are Jem necks? Exactly.

So its definately not a Jem neck then....

As for decieving people-everyone knows that Jem guitars don't come left handed(i Don't count jem555),so everyone WILL know that it's not real.

I didnt know that, and i bet i have more to do with guitars in general, than you AND all your mates.

By the way dont lecture me about these things, I asked nicely, so if you can help- then help, otherwise shut it.


Vuk from  :D

You'll go a long way in here telling people to shut up like that.

Damn school holidays, happens EVERY time....

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im all for borrowing body shapes and neck profiles. but u cant put an ibanez or jem logo/ sticker on it, its not right, u will probably sell it on ebay as a real jem, cos some sucker will not know how to pick a fake, and as 4 telling perry where to stick it? were you droped on ur head as a child? he gives good advice. im all for pointing and laughing :DB)

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Man it's nothing like that. I'm just a suffering lefty who really wants a JEM, so i got a left handed jem body( of a guy that used to work for Hoshino USA), and an Ibanez RG570 neck, EDGE tremolo, Evolution pickups etc., and i'm making a lefty Jem.

since i want everything to be as the real Jem, I'm after the decal mentioned.

As for telling Perry to "shut it" i appologise,but i asked for help not criticism, so please help me instead ridding me off.

just wait 'till you see the photos of the axe :D

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correct me if i am wrong, but whats with all this crap over decals? i've seen guitars on this site with fake decals or fake decals being used.

Look at BeAR's post, with his awesome kramer tribute, and when he printed off all those fender decals and the EVH one. Did anyone care? Not when I read it.

Also, there was another post recently about finding Gibson decals and overlays. I asked about this a while ago here.

Like I said in the recent post about gibson decals and overlays - "i think it's fraud if he goes to sell it, not if he alters it for his personal whatever. In any event as long as its for his personal whatever i could care less, but if he sells it on ebay then thats a different story:)"


BTW i dont know where you can get them. just make them through photoshop or something.

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Sepultura, your correct, some other people have done it before, so we should sit back and let everyone do the incorrect thing.

Fraud is fraud. Their is ABSOLUTELY ZERO personal benefit in having the decals on the guitars, other than better resale value. Prove me wrong.

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If you read my post, I don't say that I like the idea of replica guitars out there when they're fakes, because it could be me getting screwed one day. I clearly said, if it's for his personal benefit, than fine.

It can have personal benefit because it's the whole idea of creating a replica and/or tribute guitar. Which is exactly why Bear used the Kramer and EVH logo. Every feature added on, constructed, designed onto the replica adds to its duplicative nature. Why make a replica and finish the job halfway? Half the thrill of creating a replica yourself is to finish it to every last detail, admiring the fact you were able to capture its specs, features, qualities etc. and marvel it. A half done, half @$$ed job is exactly what it is. Now some of his parts may not fit with the exact Jem idea, I don't know because I've only been around guitars for about a year. AndI am not defending him. What I am saying is, if its for personal benefit, then go right ahead, I could care less. And in the end, he may say it's for personal benefit, but it won't be, but until then let him do it.


Edited by sepultura999
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Umm...he want´s to build a jem...since there are no (real) jems for leftys...Of course He wants it to be as close to the original as possible...There is some personal benefit to some people in actuallty making it look as close to the real thing as possible...Maybe you don´t agree with this since you feel differently about it... But he´s not gonna sell it...and If he were...leftys would know that the only lefty jem is the 555 anyway...

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I believe I did answer your question, check the last post on the first page or re-read it. If I didn't answer your question; What difference is there to the owner if the guitar is painted blue or not? The point of the decal in this case is because he's creating a replica/tribute for his own. If he sells it, then thats another story because one day it could be me getting ripped off with a fake guitar. And correct me here if I am wrong, but I don't think it is fraud if it's for his personal whatever. It's only fraud if he sells it - just like burning CDs. I personally am getting tired of the decal topics. I've seen 4 in the past week.

If I were him and were making a replica/tribute I would at least want to add a personal touch to this guitar so that it is actually mine to call my own, which is why we build and customize guitars correct?


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My question remains unanswered, what difference is there to the owner, if the decal is not there??

I think that there's plenty of difference. Why do some people like eating Limburger cheese? It smells nasty to most but somepeople must like it. Why do other people like to buy new cars when their value is sure to decrease dramatically once they drive it off out of the dealer's lot? Why does Drak throw seemingly beautiful guitars into the Wall of Death? There's no question that all people are different from eachother, you really can't tell what makes them tick or why they do the things they do. Ever watch the movie Matchstick Men? Even though he was messed up, was there any reason for Nicholas Cage to open and close every door 3 times before leaving it open to go through? Yea the JEM logo might add value to this guitar or increase the chance of a scam when it's sold, but the reason buckethead777 is making a guitar is so he can have something that he can't get otherwise, making it how he wants it. If he wants the logo, I think it's up to him. I doubt that he's going to put a serial number on it.

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So.... what happens if the guitar is stolen? Have you ever made perfect replica cash notes, $100 bills, for "fun".

If you got pulled over, and the cops found 10 $100 fake bills, that you made "for fun, as a project, to see if i can amuse myself, bla bla", do you think they would do you for fraud? How is that different??

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My question remains unanswered, what difference is there to the owner, if the decal is not there??

I think that there's plenty of difference. Why do some people like eating Limburger cheese? It smells nasty to most but somepeople must like it. Why do other people like to buy new cars when their value is sure to decrease dramatically once they drive it off out of the dealer's lot? Why does Drak throw seemingly beautiful guitars into the Wall of Death? There's no question that all people are different from eachother, you really can't tell what makes them tick or why they do the things they do. Ever watch the movie Matchstick Men? Even though he was messed up, was there any reason for Nicholas Cage to open and close every door 3 times before leaving it open to go through? Yea the JEM logo might add value to this guitar or increase the chance of a scam when it's sold, but the reason buckethead777 is making a guitar is so he can have something that he can't get otherwise, making it how he wants it. If he wants the logo, I think it's up to him. I doubt that he's going to put a serial number on it.

Yeah yeah, you've listed a bunch of things that are legal to do. Whats your point??

If he wants something "personal to him" but a big fat c0ck on it, and not SOMEONE ELSES idea.

Buckethead, while you're off making forgeries, make some money for me. I wont pay you for it, so it should be ok by the police, because your not profitting.

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Whatever you want to call it dude, its still fraud. Email Ibanez and ask their permission, lets see what they say. The guitar will play IDENTICAL regardless of the logo, model name, etc, so WHAT IS THE POINT, unless you wish to defraud people. Dont give me this personal "satisfaction" bullshit either, what your doing is just plain WRONG, REGARDLESS of who else on this forum has done it.

Make the guitar, use an ibanez logo'd neck, but leave off the JEM logo, your only kidding yourself and everyone else. Its like cheating in school, sure you get a better grade, but you arent any smarter. The guitar might LOOK more expensiver, but its just a fricking botched up "replica" with all the wrong parts.

The sooner the mods realise THEY can get done over for "harbouring" fraudulent activities, the sooner they will delete stupid posts like these, and the posters who make them.

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