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Gibsons Factory


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Having a look round gibsons site i had a look at the factory tour bit, they seem to not use dusk hasks.gogles or stuff like that:



Shouldn't she be wearing a mask?



wheres their dust masks, should have one if their sanding.

This guy was pretty much the only one with all the stuff on, and he isnt really doing any sanding/spraying or machine work.


Also what happened to cleaning your tools


Not very good for their workers if you ask me. :D

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In a word...agreed.

Spray Girl, even if that's a full negative pressure (ie, sucking everything away from here) room, should really be kitted out in a full Tyvek 'bunny suit' and a respirator. Thinners are very poisonous, and can cause serious sensitization/allergies, and can be absorbed through the skin.

I've seen Gibson's factory tour, and unless it's staged, the health&safety there looks appaling.

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I've seen Gibson's factory tour, and unless it's staged, the health&safety there looks appaling.

I get the feeling that Spray Girl is just posing for the photo. The one cute girl in the whole factory.

The guy wearing the respirator probably wears it out of fear that the chemicals will interact with his steroids. :D

You'd think Gibson would have cleaned up the place a bit for the photos. But then, we've seen that tenon cross-section they used to post proudly on their site.

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Wow, so even after charging over $2000 for a les paul, they can't afford respirators for their workers? Must be using all of the profits to keep the execs on the golf course with the finest cognac and cigars money can buy...

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Wow, so even after charging over $2000 for a les paul, they can't afford respirators for their workers? Must be using all of the profits to keep the execs on the golf course with the finest cognac and cigars money can buy...

Of course they are using the money to keep execs on the golf course. Those are the same execs that say they "have" to lay off 1,000 workers and ship the jobs to China because they "can't afford" the expensive cost of American craftsmen!

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