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Planning Build #2

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So, I know that I still have a long way to go with my Jazz Bass build, but certain events have transpired to get me thinking about my build #2. The first of those is that the first body blank I bought for the Jazz Bass was actually too small (alder), so I already have a blank. The second thing was last night, when I was looking around on Gilmer Woodand saw that they had some bocote bookmatched tops, which happens to be one of my favorite woods (probably second only to ziricote with cocobolo rounding out the top 3). So here's the plan:

12-String Tele Thinline

Body Wood: Alder with Bocote top

Neck: Maple with either ziricote or ebony fretboard

Pickup Configuration: 2 Humbuckers

My goal has always been to build guitars that I can use for needs that my current guitars can't fulfill, so a 12-string was one of those.

Everything else on the guitar is undecided, but I figured I'd check here now just in case there's something I should be considering that I'm not.



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