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  1. Does anyone know how to measure things accurately? I know that on rulers and tape measurers the marking line is like one centimeter. do i measure at the end of the line or the middle or the end? does anyone know what im talking about and can help me?
  2. so for the routing i understand that you just put the nut where the line has already been made for the nut that was there (or on a preslotted fret-board, where the slot already is). but on my floyd nut, it slants a tiny bit back like this: \ \ \ \ l l l l l l are all floyd nuts like this? so , should the vertical part be flush with where it is already marked or, (which makes more sense) should the point of contact with the locking nut be exactly above the line that is drawn out? thanks for the help!
  3. hrmm, if you don't want a metal guitar, you should open your search to things not like well that guitar. it is made for metal. and if you play stuff like CC, gorguts, MA, or death, it would probably be perfect. but since you already have 2 like that, save up for something LIKE the LP, also you could always contour the heel once you (if you) buy the LP, the weight goes hand in hand with the tone, and well i've got nothing to say about the inlays
  4. hahaha you guys pretyt much answered it for me. i just wanted to know (theoretically), because i'm designing one, and didn't wan't the bridge too far up, i'll just carve out some more from the cutaway
  5. so if i did want to increase fret access I would slide up the nut/fretboard the same distance as the bridge?
  6. some gutiars have better fret access then others. this is becuase sometimes they have different cut aways but also, isn't cause of fretboard placement? if i slid the fretboard towards the headstock, i'd have better fret access so the question is, if I move up the fretboard, must i also move the bridge?
  7. these are all awesome!!! love both the (super)strats
  8. i haave also heard this PM brian or perry about it maybe?
  9. the music honestly isn't my thing so i can't comment on the video
  10. congrats on your beautiful axe! i love mahogany too! light stuff doesn't cut it
  11. ^ honestly, cut some o that out for your own mental sanity
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