As our guitar collections grow, so too can the corresponding number of cases, and you can only fit so many cases under the bed or in the closet. Long time member @Kevan came up with a neat and cheap solution for storing multiple guitar cases on a spare wall in his basement.
You don't need to spend a fortune to get quality pictures of your treasured work of art. Forum member @Scott French shows us how he does his photo shoots in the workshop on a shoestring budget.
A lot of complaints regarding wiring problems in guitars are surprisingly easy to resolve. Here's a collection of common ones that you may come up against when servicing an old faithful axe, or putting the finishing touches on your newest creation.
Many years back we ran a great article by Bill Jehle on how to identify a humbucker's coil wiring colors and phasing. Dylan of Dylan Pickups put together a short and sweet YouTube video demonstrating this idea.
Sometimes you simply can't find the right knobs to fit onto a split shaft pot. Dylan of demonstrates that not all is simply need to know how to make them work!