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Double cream pickups.


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I want burstbucker pros in my guitar, and I want them to be double creams. Would it screw up the pickup to take the bobbins out and replace them, or do you know of any other pickup that's double cream??? Like Jimmy Page's bridge pickup.

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Don't Burstbucker Pros come with nickel or gold covers? If you're planning on removing the covers, doesn't that defeat the purpose of buying a replica pickup that's designed to sound like the original, especially if you're willing to replace one of the bobbins just to change the color? Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a Dimarzio PAF Pro or a Duncan '59 in cream? Just my opinion, but it doesn't sound like a good plan to me.

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I think Oreo does??

Ummm yeah...buying an expensive pickup and then dismantling it and rewinding it....it's a little silly...you could probably buy the parts and wind one yourself...it'll be about as much work....then you can have you're burstbucker and eat it too.....MMMmmm double cream

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No- its not a patent- (a patent protects a 'method of manufacture' [a legal expression, not literal expression- it would take too long for me to explain the ins and out of Intellectual Property Law here, so dont get too concerned])

However, Dimarzio has Trademarked the double cream look humbucker (eg of a trademark- the McDonald Golden Arches).

Dimarzio managed to be granted a trademark for the double cream humbucker because they were (apparently) the first to issue double cream humbuckers as a replaceble retrofit for PAFs (evidence was submitted that Gibson, nor any other manufacture, had sold double cream humbuckers BEFORE Dimarzio did)

(this is obviosly 'questionalble' to say the least)

Anyway, Seymour Duncan challenged the issuing of the trademark, and the matter was settled 'withoiut predjudice' (another legal expression, basically meaning confidential) outside court.

As it stands, however 'correct', Dimarzio DOES have a trademark on the double cream humbuckers.

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Nobody has a patent on double creams

You're Wrong, Dimarzio Double cream Trademarked

This was taken from Seymour Duncans Website


The look of the double-cream humbucker has been trademarked by DiMarzio®. We offer many other colors, ie. black, zebra, white, blue, red, etc. but not double-cream. We're sorry for any inconvenience this creates for you.

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A patent on the colour of something? thats really lame... I mean seriously...

I'm gonna get the patent on black t-shirts, then I'll be rich :D

but seriously, how can you possibly patent a colour of an object?

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Dimarzio is gay. Gibson was making them as early as 59'. Dimarzio make crappy pickups. Just because they are dumb, they're gonna ruin it for the rest of us??? It's like saying only Fender guitars can be sunburst, or something stupid.

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Nobody has a patent on double creams

Larry DiMarzio does and thats why you can't order a true double cream from any other company.

Course DiMarzio invented the creme bobbin to begin with and that was an accident. As the story goes they were producing the PAF pickups for Gibson and ran out of the proper material to produce the usual black bobbins one day but at the same time they had plenty of raw material for the trim rings and donuts which of course were/are creme colored. Since the bobbins are hidden under the cover anyway they though nobody would ever really find out their little switch on materials for a few days worth of production.

One day a famous guitarist pulled the cover off seeking a different tone and that gave birth to the Double cream and Zebra frenzy.

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I could do that, or have any of you tried any Dimarzio pickups??? I said they suck because I was mad, but maybe they'll work. If they made Gibson's pickups (Which I didn't know), then they are probably good. Can I get double cream in all of their pickups??

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That's odd because I have seen double creme duncans. Of course they are probable called something different and are special order.

As for a true jimmy page pickup, I officially introduce the pagebucker!

Grinning dog

Shuld be notied that Jimmy has been using Gibson 498t bridge pickups with a 500r for years.

Edited by litchfield
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Okay, Carvin makes double creams (At least for now) so I think I'm gonna get one. Has anybody tried their pickups?? I hear the C and H series are too bright, but what about the m22's??? Kinda a PAF sound??

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