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removing binding

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On some guitars I've noticed that the binding is purely decorative and not holding an actual top down. I looked through the tutorials trying to find one on removing binding but I couldn't find one. Any help?

-Jamie. :D

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Hmm.. I don't know why you would want to do that, but if you were to, I would first remove the finish from the edges, then use some heat gun to soften the glue and take it off. I'm not sure, though.

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The guitar I had my eye on has binding on it. The guy told me that it wasn't holding anything down, so I am assuming that it's just decorative, however the binding is flush with the wood (gah, im lost in the woods on this lol B) )

The guitar is an Agile AL-2800

If you read it, there's parts that get me soo lost.

Thick, high quality quality FlameCanadian maple top (100% real wood top-not a photo top!)
But the "top" isn't flame canadian maple, it's alder.

then it says

Solid mahogany (not a multi-ply!) arch top body
now they're talking about it being a solid mahogany :D

Why can't they make it like Gibsons or Fenders website - so simple lol. If anyone can help me out with this that would be so sweet lol.

-Jamie :D

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If the picture is the guitar they're describing it appears to me to be solid ash. My guess is that they copy/pasted the 2500's specs and forgot to delete the "maple top" and "mahogany body" lines out of it (the standard LP woods).

If you're looking at the natural finish I personally would just leave the binding on it. On the burst it is more visible but that gives the traditional LP look. There are manufacturers out there that make LP copies without the binding. It would save you the time and hassle of tearing apart a new guitar if you bought one of them :D

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Thanks, but I'm looking for a cheap LP copy made of swamp ash.

If I can't afford to buy the Gibson Voodoo, I can always clone one :D

Do you recommend a place where they may have a cheap LP copy made of swamp ash?

-Jamie B)

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For the $250 they want for the Agile 2800 I don't think you can go wrong. Just leave the binding on and paint over it. I am in the middle of a restoration/refinishing of an old 60's Teisco and I am painting over the binding. The previous owner started a refinishing project with red stain and it stained into the binding. I wanted the guitar white and the red & black binding didn't look right to me so I painted over it. I just put my 5th coat on this morning after waiting 2 weeks for the last coat to dry and the binding is invisible. There were some low spots on the binding edge that I filled prior to painting but on a new guitar you shouldn't have those.

The Samick Avion's are mahogany with a maple top but they are also budget priced and might be an option for covering with flat black like the Voodoo - if you want those woods. I have had several in here and sold them and they were dynamite sounding for a cheaper guitar.

It sounds like you like the sound of the ash and if you have your mind set on that I don't think you can go wrong with the Agile.

Good luck and keep us up to date with pics!!

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If I decide to invest and get the agile and turn it into a voodoo monster, I was thinking of taking the binding off and painting it red or something, but I may take your advice and just paint over it with the ebony. Thanks for the advice and if I decide to go through with this I will keep you updated.

-Jamie :D

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