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Making Pickup Bobbins Chinese Vulcanised Fibreboar


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As Forbon for making pickups is not available here in Australia, I am thinking of getting some Chinese Vulcanised Fibreboard from the manufacturer in China. The prices are pretty good and ordering from USA and Stewmac etc is too pricey due to currency conversion and shipping costs etc. Ordering the Chinese Fibreboard seems a much cheaper alternative for me.

Has anyone here ever used the Chinese Fibreboard, and if so what was it like to use? I dont imagine that it would be as good as Forbon but if you have used it I'd appreciate your comments. B):D

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Hi man,

I cant say that I have ever heasrd of it- that said, i know alot of guys winding pickups have been using 'CD case inserts' (the part that holds your CD in its case) to make bobbins (and using wood for the sunstanive part of the bobbin).

Its cheap to get CD cases,; bargin stores usually sell them for $1 Aust each. You can black and white cases, so zebra coils arent a problem.

the bobin material has no effect on tone, so if its expensive, i would suggest trying that out.

Sorry i couldnt help more, but hopefully thats some food for though.


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Isn't Forbon® just a brand name for vulcanized fiberboard, just like Perspex®, Acrylite® and Plexiglas® are all brand names for the same clear acrylic resin? I'm no expert, but I would tend to believe that the Chinese vulcanized fiberboard should work fine, so long as it had similar specs.

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Hi Lovecraft, yeah it is only a brand name, and apparently the specs are supposed to be the same but have heard that other fibreboards are not as good to work with as Forbon, but I cant see how much of a major difference there would be.

I havent got a sample of the chinese fibreboard yet, but believe that if I used it, it would appear to the naked (or clothed ) eye to be no different.

My main reason for wanting fibreboard is to make vintage style pickups.

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