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Building An 13° Neck


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I saw this tutorial on 13° necks 13°

And was wondering if it would be better to saw the 13° angle instead of gluing peacis of wood togeather? I am going to try and deskibe what I mean with words if that wont work then I shall try and use my paint skills ... What I mean is when you glue the woods togeather cant you have it thick enough so you can saw the head down with the 13 angle? or is that just harder to do and weaker when done??? I have an Ibanez BTB400QM bass and I realy cant see that the neck is built like the tutorial shows. I would think they did it the way I tought was right.

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I presume that you mean the headstock angle and not the neck angle. I wouldn't have a 13 degree neck angle, that would be bad :D .

If I'm following you right then:

You can do it by just getting bigger wood, marking out the angle and cutting it, but then you would be wasting quite a bit of wood. They are generally cut and glued because it saves wood and is therefore cheaper (it's called a scarf joint by the way). One piece though is actually weaker that cutting and gluing as glue is stronger than wood you also keep the grain inline with the strings by doing a scarf joint which again increases the strength a bit.

I've only done it once, with very bad tools, but it wasn't very hard to do as long as you take a bit of time (as with most things)

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