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My 1st Guitar Kit Lots Of Questions

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Hello guys,

i am new to this forum as a member but i have been looking here for probebly 2 months. Now last night i was browsing around here and finaly got inspired to make a guitar (well kind of) i figure i wont go to crazy into this so i will get a kit for my first build. i am currently looking at the saga HT 10 kit. i plan on ordering it proebely right after christmas but i want to figure out all that i want to do with it. i plan on getting it and doing a red base stain on it and then some somewhat EVH style black stained stripes on it. I am going to coil tap the pickups and put a kill swich on it. now come the questions i saw the tutorial for led lights in the forums and got inspired now will i be able to do it with the neck that come with the kit IE somehow take off the fret board with out hurting it or can i even take the fret board off and ruin it but have the neck be ok and put on a new fret board to put the LEDs in? so please answer these questions for me so i can keep thinking about what i am going to do to the guitar

OH ya i almost ofrgot is it also possible to do the led lights in say the top 12 frets and then scallop 13-22?

Edited by undeclaredpunker
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Hows about this:

Before you go crazy with mods, how about you actually successfully build one guitar? Really, start simple. Make the Led thing an upgrade after the entire guitar is finished. Also, not to be a dick, but the finish you are talking about doing sounds nearly impossible. When you say stain, I assume you mean dye? How are you going to cleanly dye stripes in maple? I suggest on your first, you use Drak's stain black and sand back technique (do a search on black, sand back, and drak and you should get some results back).

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Im not going to be a jerk but i dont agree with javacody saying you should build one first. Whatever you mess up (if you do) this time it will definitely be a learning experience to improve. I like how you've been planning everything out completly.. I dont know exactly what you're trying to do, but if you're trying to do some EVH style stuff than heres a link to something that will help


Just read what they wrote and you'll understand what they're trying to say. I dunno if its going to bleed so hopefully someone responds before you start.

ALSO!!! BIG HEADS UP. There is a really thick coat of sealer on those kits. Sand the $#*(#)$ outta the body because if you try to stain it ebony, itll turn yellow and some areas brown. It looks like a rotten bannana peel. (I learned something that day). Well good luck

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you CAN stain stripes.....scott i think did a run through on how he did it...you tape it off and lightly score the edges where you want the staing to stop with a razor knife,and LIGHTLY apply the stain with a brush(very lightly)

the scoring kepps the stain from bleeding under the tape

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I just know how hard it is to stain for a beginner and get it to look good. I guess if that is what you really want, you should go for it, but please, buy some wood to practice on and get your technique down? Practice a few times and if it doesn't go the way you want, come back here and get some more help, allright?

I personally think that the LED idea is really cool and it may not be that hard to do, my worry would be fretting the new fretboard, have you ever done that before?

Edited by javacody
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heh i dont know anything about the leds placements accept when looking at the leg installation tutorial. Why do i have the feeling that scalloping a neck with LEDS already set will be a reallll bad idea? Going about like 5 strokes down and you would hit the light i would think. Thats my thought but i might take that neck before you can :DB)

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You could actually if you're handy enough, desolder the pots from the circuit boards and stuff and solder on wires to give it the freedom to be placed in the arrangement you want. You just have to make sure you have enough room and that it's not wobbling around and stuff on you. I personally have the knowledge in electronics that I could design and make my own preamp from scratch from less than $80 (I am right now for a guitar I'm building), so yeah.

BTW, nice porn! LMAO :D If only you could have made a different folder...

Edited by Kyle Cavanaugh
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***? Hhahaha i had no idea what you guys were talking baout this porn untill now thats crazy (not mine) huh well i guess that what you get when you use a free picture hosting site

The only question is: which one's you? :D

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