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I'll Take Wood For $1000.00, Alex


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I just gave a guy my credit card a few hours ago for more than $1000.00 worth of wood. All topper wood too.

I can say no more.

Except I'll be selling some things soon.

Very, very soon.

E-Bay will be my friend.

What was I thinking???

Anybody wanna buy an amp? A pedal perhaps?

Where's that shoot yourself in the head emoticon when I need it most?


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been there,done that(almost)

like i told you already,drak...i just spent $700 on ANOTHER mass produced guitar...couldn't resist the set neck,mahogany body,tribal inlays,and dual emg 81s

sometime soon i am going to have to start selling some of the brood as well i think :D

and they just changed the availability of my order from "in stock" to "backordered-due on 1/5/05 :D

i think my overnight shipping is now officially a waste of money B)

but on the bright side..soon after it comes in i will be able to do a review on the ltd f400

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Wes, I officially nominate you as our honarary 'review guy' here at PG.

Of course, the BEST LOOKING review guy too!


Maiden, I didn't mean I was going to be selling the wood, I meant I will be selling EVERYTHING ELSE to afford it!


But wait 'till you see this stuff.




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Man, I was already fueling the Jetta to go there! Oh well, I guess that I will wait a bit, I might get lucky and find a good piece around here! But if you resaw and have a bit left enough for a top, not good enough for your standards, I will like to know, I need to get some practice and all I have here is regular maple and nothing with nice figure at all.

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hey DRAK if you're looking to sell stuff then i may be interested. anything electrical and im interested....god im a gear slut :D

edit: its drak selling the stuff isnt it not wes. sry guys.

Edited by JohnnyG
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