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It's nearing Christmas and I've been wanting to get my Dad a bass guitar... He adores the Peavey Cirrus model... But hell man it's a bit steep for the price, so I'm left with crafting it (He's extremely picky on different models so...) I'm asking the dreadful question of the measurements. I've looked high and low but couldn't find any... Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks and rock on! :D

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Uhm... I kinda wanted to make it special for him and make it everything he wants, It's Christmas man... Either way he "adores" the cirrus model... Why so late? Because I just got permission from my woodworking teacher to use the shop with his help.... Doesn't help knowing it so late but meh...

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Uhm... I kinda wanted to make it special for him and make it everything he wants, It's Christmas man... Either way he "adores" the cirrus model... Why so late? Because I just got permission from my woodworking teacher to use the shop with his help.... Doesn't help knowing it so late but meh...

i applaud you for your intentions...but i think father's day may be a more realistic time frame.

a home hobbyist using most store bought finishes wouldn't even have time for the finish to harden enough to buff and assemble before then i think

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Thnx :D Well It's not really like a huge secret or suprise or anything... I'm just in desperate need of dimensions so I can get it cut and contoured at school. The rest would be up to himself and me... Considering he's a carpenter/woodworker we have a shedfull of tools, just not enough room/money for a bandsaw... I know they're cheap and all... Also I'm getting this (high grade) wood for free so... B) I'm not looking to finish the bass before Christmas (yeah that would be pretty unrealistic) just everything that we can't do- done so he can do the rest as he loves working with wood either way... Sorry I wasn't clear before lol

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