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How Would You Make A Pickup Winder?


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Stew-Mac Pickup winders sell for an arm, leg, and first born child. But I think one would be easy to build. Possibly, It could be mechanically similar to jay5's fret bender (on this forum). Anyone have any blue prints or links for something like this? Also the ratio should be a least 1:10 (or is that backwards?)


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Jon Tirone uses a hand drill with a homemade digital counter. Others have used sewing machines and drill presses.

If you are into making pickups (or want to be), Jason Lollar has a book out with instructions and plans on making your own pickup winder.

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Hear man check this one out there's a tone of info in hear There's even one made of lego's :D Try a Search There's a great deal of info on this :D


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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I've decided to start winding my own. I've just won a counter off of ebay and am going to use a hand drill and homemade tensioner for my first set. I'm going to re-wind Fender MIM Standard single coils as my first project and I'm going to convert them into S90's. Hopefully they turn out well. Here are some great links I've found:






Here is the winder I'm going to try and copy:


One thing that may surprise you is that the wire (42 AWG) starts at about $16 a pound available as a 5lb spool. Of course, you can buy half a pound from Stew-Mac for $25.

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Wheres the pottery and yarn spinning wheels at? Im sure someone has access to something creative. what about a microwave that you figure out the rotations and how many winds per minute. Automatic. plus you are recycling. bet theyd sound HOT. jk. but yeah. if you just used the motor and the timer on an old microwave, could you make an automatic pickup winder? 7 minutes for a pickup? itd be cool.

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I know you are just being funny, but it would take hours to wind a pickup using the speed of the microwave's turntable.

If you wanted to get real creative, you could mount your bobbin on a hamster wheel and play a Richard Gere movie, get that hamster running, scared out of its wits. :D Maybe a little Pretty Woman or Sommersby? Ha ha ha

Hamsters and old Fords...

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