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There are some big raps on Melvyn Hiscock's book. I'm just wondering if this is the one to get for making a bass or are there better books for that? Apparently, the Hiscock book also includes a bass.




Hi man,

Well, I would recomend the hiscock book. Between this forum and the book, you shouldnt have too many probs. Obviosly, there are many differences between a guitar and a bass guitar, but fretted bass guitars and elecric guitars are very similar- the construction techniques used (in a general sense) are bassically the same - granted, there are differnt aspects such as neck width, scale legnth and a multitude of others- I guess what I am trying to say is that alot of the skills needed to build a guitar are transferable to a bass guitar.

In that sense, as the Hiscock book gives a good survey of differnt contruction techniques, I think it would certainly be worth you while purchasing one.




I actually had the same problem, im a guitar player and I was trying to build a bass. I struggled quite a bit because I had no clue as to what to do from any stand point. I had a hard time with like wood selection, what hardware to use. I just kinda went for it blindy I guess

Heres a picture of mine Bass guitar


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