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Vinyl Logo

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I'm just planning on stripping an Aria Pro II (flying v shape) guitar, this is my first time doing this so I'm just trying to make sure I know everything I need to before I start doing anything. Anyway, I was originally planning on spraying a simple design onto it but I saw this on ebay and it gave me an idea. Steelers Logo

This is the logo of my local ice hockey team. I've looked on the companies website and they do designs for cars etc, so I've emailed them to see if they'll do one that will fit on my guitar.

What do you guys think will be the best way to put this on? Would it be best to totally respray and finish the guitar then apply it? Or should I spray the guitar, apply the logo, then apply the finish?

Thanks in advance


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hat do you guys think will be the best way to put this on? Would it be best to totally respray and finish the guitar then apply it? Or should I spray the guitar, apply the logo, then apply the finish?

Have a look at the Jellycaster logo tutorial in the main project guitar site --you should be able to accomplish what you want using a printer and transparency paper

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