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Best Value Speaker?


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I recently aquired a old 2x12 cab and i need to throw some speakers in it. Im kinda tight on cash so im lookin for some cheap but good speakers. Ive done a bit of research adn foudn on ebay i can get a pair of Celestion 70/80 speakers for under 60 shipped and the reviews ont hose looked fairly good. I like to get other opinons though and i thought this would be a great palce to ask because everyone here seems to know there stuff adn theres alot of experience on this board. So in summation wat do you ppl think is the best value speaker out there. IM looking for a combitnation of 2 12" speakers that will either equal a 4 or 8 ohm load . soudn wise im open to anythin seeing as i play a varying type of music through vaarying amps, but sometihng that handles distortion well woudl be a plus.

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Really dont know how much they are in america, but i use celestion hot 100's (cant remember the exact model name, its G12-xxx) but if you look on the celestion website u'll see it there. They're about half the price of vintage 30's here and are every bit as good, and sound classy with a bit of gain on the amp :D

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