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Queston About A Coil Split On My Ibanez Sz520qm


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Can anyone tell my how to wire in a push pull pot into this guitar (by replacing the old tone knob) so that the push/pull function acts as a coil split?

Here's the current layount. 2 humbuckers, 2 volume, 1 tone, 3 way switch. Currently, the middle position of the 3 way switch is the 2 inner coils of each humbucker together. I want to change this so that when the push pull pot is "in" the 3-way switch will switch humbuckers and not split any coils. Then, conversely, when I pull out the pot, I want to have 3 settings of single coil sounds via the 3 way switch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's a link to the schematic for this guitar.


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