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Dull/dark Guitar

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I have a LADO Hawk (canadian made axe) that originally came with a single humbucker in the bridge position.

One day I opened it and I found that the body had the routing for 2 SC and 1 HB.

After installing them I find that the guitar is sort of dull or a little dark sounding and lacks snap.

The bridge is a Khaler 2300 cam tremolo kinda deal with the wheel saddles and I wonder if that accounts for the dullness when using the SC pups,the HB sounds alright .

I already changed the vol pot to 500K and the cap in the tone pot to a smaller one.

What else can it be?

What can I do to improve the tone?

Thanks a lot


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when you move a pickup twards the neck it gets warmer/darker sounding, thats physics. Since you have just had a bridge humbucker to listen to for a while you probally are just not used too the neck or mid posistion. Try upping the treble on your amp. The bridge humbucker should be bright enough to make you not really wanna play rythem with it. Than the neck and mid will sound better with rythem and the bridge will have a good EQ for soloing. I personally like to bring my middle pickup up close to the strings and back off the bass side of it and solo with that.

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when you move a pickup twards the neck it gets warmer/darker sounding, thats physics.  Since you have just had a bridge humbucker to listen to for a while you probally are just not used too the neck or mid posistion.  Try upping the treble on your amp.  The bridge humbucker should be bright enough to make you not really wanna play rythem with it.  Than the neck and mid will sound better with rythem and the bridge will have a good EQ for soloing.  I personally like to bring my middle pickup up close to the strings and back off the bass side of it and solo with that.

Thanks Godin SD.I will try your suggestions.


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