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Abel Axe

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hi guys after much thought i decided to start my first guitar project which is a copy of an abel axe ( billet alloy body) mini strat in shape the alloy is 25 mm thick the neck is a charvel copy trem system will be my own my reasoning behind this i have alot of metal work experiance and very little wood so it seemed like a good idea would any one have a clue as to how mini is a mini strat dimesions would be handy if pos :D:D thanx guys wicked site B)

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You might want to look at what metalcarver has done like this:

Metal Carver's Aluminium Alien

Also, check out his web site metalcarver.com to see how these gillet guitars were made!

I think aluminium guitars actually have a lot of potential...plus they look cool!

I'm working (slowly) on a guitar that will have a light weight, resonant timber core and aluminium cladding front and back...so it's a kind of hybrid. The aluminum sheet will be bent into an arch. I've also got ideas for a future design which will be made of pressed aluminium with a core of expanded polyurethane foam to make it less like a tin can.

Good luck with you're idea...and welcome to Project Guitar oldnslow :D

By the way...I'm in Melbourne :D

Nice to have you aboard

pete / psw

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