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Epiphone Sg Neck Pocket Dimensions?

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Hello All,

I just won this SG body: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 :D

I was wondering what my neck options are for this body? The dimensions given are: 3" x 2 3/16" x 5/8" . I basically want to use a bolt on neck, but I am not sure which pre-fabbed necks will fit. Will an Epiphone neck (LP or SG) fit? I have used the search button here and Google, but I cannot find the dimensions of the neck pocket for a bolt on SG or LP body.

Thanks for any help/info. :D

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Maybe one of the specials (they are bolt on) but none of the others will. Wait till you get the body then check around just to make sure. May be the rout is standard fender size, (that will be your best alternative) since every thing out there is almost based on it. And since the bridge holes are not drilled yet, you can play with the scale (depending on the bridge pup rout)

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