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Painting A Pickguard

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I'm a complete novice at modding guitars, and wanted to start by changing up my pickguard. The guitar is metallic red and the pickguard is white. I want to paint something on the pickguard (with enough red that it matches), and I was wondering how I would do this. Would I just paint and laquer, or is there more to it?

Any detailed instructions would help, as well as any suggestions to what I should paint on the pickguard.

Thanks for any input.


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Make one from clear plastic and paint the underside, so you don't have to worry about wearing through the paint.

Now that's a great idea. Why didn't I think of this.

See, I wouldn't recommend painting pickguard...as it may look good the day you paint it......but after week of use it will look like crap. But with mentioned method, you have best of both words........

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Guest gsrguitars

And alternatively, without tooting my own horn, we offer any image you like on a pickguard via our webpage.

..Wait, I kinda did toot my horn. Dang. Though I'm trying to help too!



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Maybe would be better to get two thin clear plastics and paint on one, and attach the other on top of that for protection.

Painting on the underside could be a bit hard if you're using more than 1 color and want to put color on other color :D. No way to fix with more brush strokes.

But for a simple 'cut a design as a hole on paper and spray one color through that' method, why not. :D

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I've done multi colored pickguards on the back of clear plastic. I did a set of pickguard and cavity covers in a space theme for a guitar at scholl this way. you just have to think it out before hand. not just go nuts like I usually do when painting something. the blue meanie painted on the cavity cover of my mandolin was done that way too. if you're interested:

the meanie

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