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Is This Normal?

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I used two spray cans of deft clear on my kit guitar 1 month ago. A couple days ago I laid it down on a piece of terry cloth so it wouldnt get sratched. when I picked it up the next day it was marked (pitted) every where it had contacted the terry cloth. I bought another guitar stand thinking that it would be safe there but the foam is leaving marks. Is the finish ever going to get hard? I know it takes time to cure but does this seam normal? Thanks for not yelling at me. I did a search on deft and only got 2 results.

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Deft is lacquer, right? From what I've heard, lacquer can take many months to fully cure. A few years back, I sprayed an old guitar with regular automotive lacquer and I swear it took 2 full years until I couldn't dent it with my fingernail.

Then, I accidentally dropped it onto a concrete floor! :D

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it is normal...deft is very high quality spray nitro...i have used it,and it does take a long while to cure,especially if you put it on thick.

a tip to help it cure faster is to only use thin coats...and wait a full 12 to 24 hours between coats to give it time to cure more before you add the next coat...but don't wait more than 24 hours,or it will not bond as well to the last coat.

by the way,a "coat" is not just a "once over"

i do a "once over",wait about 20 minutes,do it again,wait about an hour,do it again,and that is a thin coat for me....then you wait 12 to 24 hours and do it all over again.

that's why it takes days to get a good thick clear job on a guitar...all the time between coats waiting for it to cure enough for the next one.

and then you still have to wait after the final coat a matter of weeks to assemble...it needs to hang on a hook for that entire time.

but now i use defthane aeresol polyeurethane...that is really good stuff and,using the same spray tecqnique as the nitro,it cures after the final coat well enough to buff within a couple of days,and enough to assemble safely a few days after buffing.

but you still must be careful with it for a while after that...it will get harder over time

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so question, then......

how long do you guys USUALLY wait between final coat of laquer and assembly? and do you do this before you treat the guitar like it's "done"?

I just applied my final coat of deft laquer yesterday, and I was thinking about putting the guitar together tonight (mostly because i'm anxious like crazy). It's my first refinish, so I really don't know the ropes. But it sounds like that's probably a bad thing to do.

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I just applied my final coat of deft laquer yesterday, and I was thinking about putting the guitar together tonight (mostly because i'm anxious like crazy). It's my first refinish, so I really don't know the ropes. But it sounds like that's probably a bad thing to do.

bad idea...wait at least 2 weeks to be safe...and even then be careful.

do not rush the curing...you will regret it.

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yeah, that's what I fugured the answer was. crap.

I havent applied too much laquer (i'm not really into the ultra-gloss finish) but I bet it still needs a week.

My first day I did a "coat" or a "once-over" every half hour until it had four of these applications. It used about a can of Deft aerosol laquer. I let that dry for a day, steel wooled the texture out, and then repeated the process. And that's pretty much all I plan to do.

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