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Started My Second Project Today

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Well I started to work on my 2nd project. It will be a LpJr. made out of a two piece black limba body (thanks Rich). Here are two pics of the body after I finished cutting and routing today. Everytime I think I have figured out the router - wham a tear out!. Thankfully the tear out today was minor and was easily sanded out :D .

Well now I am off to read about building a neck. This will be a first - so I am sure it will be quite some time before I have any updates.

In building the neck - how are the pre-slotted fretboards from places like stew mac or exotic hardwoods?



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I have had good slotted boards from both LMI and Stewmac. I would definately go that rout if it was my project. Not much advantage in sloting your own unless you really want to do EVERYTHING your self. I would get it pre-radiused as well if it were me. Body looks grat!

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I've used the preslotted fretboards from StewMac and have been really happy with them. There's a plus and minus to that. You can be sure that it's accurate, for the most part. The fret slots will be correct, the radius correct too. On the down side, you have to use either the standard Strat or LesPaul scale. If you have anything else in mind, you'll have to slot your own. That's a project for another day though. Getting a pre slotted fretboard is the right way to go at this point.

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I would check out LMI for 'boards. They offer a larger selection of woods, as well as many different scales on their pre-slots.

Edited by M_A_T_T
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