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Decal Help

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Hey PG,

i am almost done with my LP but i want to put on decals. Anyone know how to make them, preperations with paint, and how to put it on the guitar? I already have a green base on it and its automotive paint. I searched with little help becuase i couldnt find a decal tutorial with a base paint on already. Thanks

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i'm assuming that you're going to put on a top coat of some sort. just follow the directions for applying the decal, let it dry and then shoot your top coat..pretty easy stuff really.

good luck

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yes, the top coat is the clear coat..if you're put on a clear coat just apply your decal and then shoot over it.

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i use plain old inkjet waterslide decal paper on my lap steels and on the few amps that i've made and shot clear coat over it with no problems at all. just design your decal and print it on your computer. there are two kinds available: clear and white. if you're guitar is a dark color then you need the white as the letters won't show up if you print it on clear. if your guitar is a lighter color then the clear will work fine.

just google inkjet waterslide decal paper and you'll find several sources. i bought mine so long ago i've forgotten where i got it. hope this helps.

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It's also easier to buy a guitar.  Easy isn't what it's about...

not wat i meant,gwawd every1's havin a go at me today,hence the quote in my sig lol

building a guitar is rewarding,give you that perfect instrument specification wise and it becomes a hobby and something worthwhile

the headstock decal could be done easily,and its not really the same as the buying a guitar thing u pointed it,its like making your own hardware,its easier to buy hardware rather than make it,same as decals

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  • 3 weeks later...

i got a different thing by Elmerse that is just as strong as photomout. If i finish most of my summer assignment tomorrow, i should be able to test deccal on a scrap. Ill post if this elmerse permanent bond spray works. Its cheaper, but has all the same effects as Photomount it says, and says all surface i think. Ill post results.

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