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Bridge Pickup Only Guitar

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I saw George's post and I thought that it is interesting to know what are the real advantages of a bridge-pickup-only guitar (ezcept for the ability to do some air-brushing all around the neck)?

More sustain? More frets maybe? Any other advantages?


Edited by DrummerDude
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I don't think there are really any REAL advantages to having a bridge pickup only guitar. You can always get EMG style pickup covers and paint over that if you want the "seemless" look. I think its mostly for barebones players (some players never use the neck pickup, so why get one?).

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I like a one-pickup guitar, just because it's simple, no muss, no fuss.

I like the uncluttered, brute look of them --especially the Les Paul Jr:

But my personal ideal is developing my own sound --and sticking with it.

Seems like most players like to have a variety of sounds at their disposal though.

As for sound, well, you trade off having that nice rich neck sound....

On my current project, I've mounted the single pickup in the middle position....sound pretty good that way.

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For me, I never play using the neck pickup execpt when im messing about with acoustic sounds, but all my effects are rack mounted and I can get a decent enough clean tone without the need for more pickups.

Im also a bit of a minimilist. One pickup, one volume pot. The tone is full on without it and for the music I play, I just do the jackhammer chainsaw type sound. Lots of palm muting and distortion. Its comforting to know you have more wood as well. Its probably placebo more than anything, but the thought of more wood makes me feel happier.

plus, its cheaper. One EMG is expensive enough. Why buy two?

I guess its different for everyone. I taylor my guitars to my playing style and my choice of musical genre. I know one pickup isnt for everyone.

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Definitely not for me. I spend much more time in neck-pickup land than bridge-pickup ville. If I had a one-pickup guitar, it would be neck-pickup only. :D


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I'm with Greg on that!

I don't like the bridge pickup too much unless I'm using classic rock and metal distortion.

The neck pup gives me a bigger chunk in the pie :D

mmmmmmmm pie

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That's my dilemna, too. I prefer single coil sound at the neck, but a split 'normal' humbucker's still not quite the same. I'm going to do just that with my current project anyhow, but it's not my usual 'ideal' sound. :D

I suppose if the guitar turns out well enough I could get a Swineshead AMP (AMF? I can't remember!) and see if that gives a better 'single coil' sound. In the meantime, I already have a Jazz waiting to be plunked in.


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