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how important is it for the grain in the body of a solid body electric

to run parallel to the neck?

is a >5 degree skew going have any effect?

why is it the norm to have it parallel? strength? sustain? aesthetics? tradition?


how important is it for the grain in the body of a solid body electric

to run parallel to the neck?

is a >5 degree skew going have any effect?

why is it the norm to have it parallel? strength? sustain? aesthetics? tradition?


you could probably get away with it, but rule out chisels for neck pockets. and you need to work WITH the grain sanding, so you will just add unnecesary stress to your build. And there could be a good reason that somebody else may know.

Any reason why you need to have it angled?

P.s. I just noticed you're from New Zealand too!


I would think that if you are talking about a closer to parallel than perpendicular grain runout, you are probably ok structuraly. I think its most likely that aesthetics and economics produce the straight grain you see in most bodies. However, I'm not a pro so maybe wait for somebody who has more substantial information.

Nate Robinson


It is not as critical on solid bodys. It is very important on acoustics. Orientation of grain can effect how vibration travels through the body as well as effect the strength of the wood. IMO of course.

Peace, Rich

Yes the grain does affect on solid bodies. Depending on the wood you're using, the grain affects the strenght (parallel = stronger...)...

i know that but in something as wide and thick as a solid body IMO (at the moment) >5 degrees would be negligable

1 advantage i could think of is if for example. one large horn (eg iceman)

would be much stronger if the grain was running more in the direction of the horn (as opposed to the direction of the neck)

but would be bad on two horned bodys as it would magnify the problem on the opposite horn

and alex the reason is because less waste and i wouldnt have to glue on ears to make up the width (keeping it a proper one piece)


That way it does not affects the strenght of the wood (unless you're using those damn pine woods! argh!) if you have two horns, glue two piece in the direction of each horn together! C ya!


Maybe saying parallel is confusing me a bit here. First of all are you using flat sawn or quater sawn material? If you are talking about strength and you are using quatersawn material oriented perfectly parallel to the neck. You will lose "optimal orientation" as far as strength for the horns due to runout. If you are using flatsawn you will have no issue with the horns, but will possibly have diminished strength in the neck pocket due to runout. I am a realist, not every board is going to be flawless as far as its sawn orientation or grain straightness and thats real world. Some people even adjust the angle of quartersawn material for asthetics only. You have to use common sense and judgement.

When I say it is not as critical as in acoustics. I am refering to the back and side material being thin and needing to have optimal strength (grain runout can cause total failure of sides). Also the soundboards ability to vibrate and have sufficient strength.

Just an opinion for what its worth,

Peace, Rich

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