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Kinda A Stupid Question But Always Wanted To Know

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You can add nickle covers to most humbuckers but you have to make sure you get ones with the same pole spread as the humbucker in question. You can also add new "toppers" to the bobbins on the humbuckers to change the colors ie. change an all black pickup to a zebra pickup (I think that is what you were getting at). Check out Brian's site for both bobbin toppers and covers (I think he has nickle covers).

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Jera, definately check out universaljems.com(Brian's site) it has everything you are looking for. I was considering using the bobbin toppers for my pickups because I wanted white, so I emailed Brian and he explained them to me and sent me a pick of a zebra one. Just using one cream bobbin topper. I wasn't sure if I would like them, but I saw it and felt that they looked very good and is way better than buying new pickup just for a different color. He said you can even install them without taking off your strings if you are careful. But personally I would, just to be careful and get them perfect.

Also what you can do to get a different look is go for pickup rings, if you don't already have them. Thats what I did, I bought some white ones from Brian. He was the only one that I could find that carried regular white not cream colored pickup rings. They really looked nice when I got them on. So definately check out his stuff, it will give you many options and colors. Good luck and later. Jason

Here's the pic he sent me a couple months ago when I ordered my stuff. It's an all black pickup, made into a zebra colored one. All it takes is one cream colored bobbin topper. They really look very good. Hope this helps.


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Yes, you can put the nickel covers on. The originals are soldered on, although I suppose you could just let the pole screws hold them in place. You may experience some feedback problems if you don't wax pot them, though. The covers can resonate with high gain/high volume and start squealing uncontrollably :D


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