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How Would I Do This?


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I want to add some racing stripes to my guitar. Here's what it looks like now:


here's what I want to do:


Do you think if I were to print the stripes on transparency and adhere them to the guitar, then just relaquer it would work?

Project guitar has a lesson on how to add oyur own logo on the headstock.. I was wondering if I could simply follow this to add something similar directly on the body...


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Clean the top with naphta/

mask the back, sides, and fretboard/

sand with 400-600 to get some grip for the black paint/

mask area to stay white/

spray very thin coat (you don't want it too thick) of GOOD black paint (createx air brush paint is darn good for this) /

Wait one hour (you don't want the paint completely dry since it may chip a little bit when you remove the tape) and remove the mask on the top of the guitar/

lightly sand the edges of the black lines were they meet the top and bottom of the guitar/

spray several coats of clear, Wait one hour (you don't want the paint completely dry since it may chip a little bit when you remove the tape) /

Wait until the clear has cured and/

wet sand and buff.

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