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Waller'd Out Truss Rod Nut

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for those of you that might not speak texan waller'd out means that the socket for the allen wrench on the truss rod nut has been almost completely rounded off. a student brought in his american made strat last night for a simple set up and the neck really does need some adjusting but after having tried all 237 of my allen wrenches i give up. i've got one wrench that will bite just enough that i could probably loosen the nut but it's one of those guitars with the really small hole in the headstock and i'm not sure that the nut is meant to be removed.

any of you old hands (or young ones for that matter) got a trick up your sleeve on this one? i could probably get a small burr on a dremmel in there and cut a little slot across the top and use a screwdriver but it would ruin the burr and i thought i'd wait to see what response you have.


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You can epoxy or CA an allen wrench in there to get it moving, but you really want to get it out of there, and replace it. Can you enlarge the access enough remove it, and keep everything neat and tidy?

If not, your plan of notching and using a screwdriver may be the best way.

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thanks setch..i didn't think of epoxy. and yes, i think with a little reamer i can enlarge the access hole and not make as much of a mess as a drill bit possibly could. i appreciate the help.

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If the nut is replaceable, then replacing it is probably the best option. Otherwise, manually bend the neck as far as you need to (ala neck jig, but can be done by simpler means if you don't have a jig), then adjust the nut to the new position. By taking the force off the nut you will be able to turn the nut even without getting a really good grab on it.

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