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Stunning At The Namm Show


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I didn't know we were allowed to show off our stuff, but I just saw Craig do it, so what the hey . . .

This was the center piece of the Minarik Guitar booth at the 2006 winter NAMM show. His guitar my inlay work The piece came out great and I'd love for you guys to have a look, I'm pretty proud of it. Nothing more than eye candy, but hey that's the business I'm in. In the workshop section of my web-site are pictures of this piece being created for those who are curious.




Edited by Maiden69
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Beautiful guitar!!! To me it it over the top, but well executed!

No question it's over the top, but that is what the manufacturer wanted. The guitar sold at the NAMM show it three days. Different strokes . . .

I didn't meant it in a bad way!!! It is a great guitar, and as we all know it is all about the customer (or the person the guitar will belong to) wants. Just like the PRS Dragons...

Also I edited your post once for having 2 pics!!! and you deicded to fix it!!! I won't edit it again!

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Also I edited your post once for having 2 pics!!! and you deicded to fix it!!! I won't edit it again!

Acutally, I didn't know that. Sorry. Guess I need to pay more attention to the rules :D I thought I had screw up when the second picture didn't show up so I fixed what I thought was my mistake. Now that I know, won't happen again.

Yes, inlay personal taste varies widely. My bother is a bass player and likes clean fretboard with no inlay at all, not even dots. Whenever he comes over and I'm working on a guitar like this one, he always says the same thing - "You can never have too much inlay on banjo." :D

Funny thing is, I do work for two banjo companies and they have less inlay than many of the guitar I do B)

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Maiden- My inlays are totally by hand. CSuttle is CNC. I am sure he costs way less than I do and can get it done faster.. :D

Go with him.

I still have not ever had one commission come from this board and I am absolutely fine with that. I'm not worried about making money from this. I do it to push my personal artistic limits. I started out here just to help how many years ago... 2 or 3 or so?

That's still fun.

I drew one up last night I hope to have done soon.


Craig L.

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Craig, I'm well aware of this!!! If I start with this I might start buying the pieces precut and inlaying them, just to get the feel of leveling and the routing with the dremel... After that I do plan on getting into the cut by hand ones.

I'm glad that you and many pros have decided to stay here and give us some help and inspiration! Believe it, it is greatly apreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

holy damn !!!! that is absolutely the nicest job I ever seen :D

Wait until you see what be are building for 07' It going to make this look like a 3rd grade art class project. I wish I could get into more detail now, but all I can say is it's going to be a double neck.

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