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What Should I Build

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Combine the two! :D


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Just curious, but why the king V instead of he Randy Rhodes. The Laiho signature has the longer top fin similar to a RR, but the shape towards the neck is different and I think the angles are different. As well as the curve of the inside of the V. But the Laiho is closer to the RR. Or do you just like the KV better? Or get a few drawings or tracings of all of them and combine your favorite features. Since your building this, there is no reason to sacrifice anything, it's your guitar so why not make it exactly what you want and not what someone else likes.

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:D darn you Ben I was about to sujest that!! B) but like most folks have said combine what you like most out of the designs to make you're own design which is even better :D I like the king V but that's just my opinion.

Don't feel limited to doing something that's been done before. If you're going to all the trouble to make something you might as well make it perfect for you.


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i think you should just buils a RR V because all ESP did was pay him to endorse them and made a bdy design just different enough not to get sued by jaclson, personally i dont care too much for the esp v

actually alexi came to esp, cuz his jackson guitars were stolen, and he needed new ones fast. esp could do it in 4 months, when jackson would take a year. :D

and im going to make the jackson v with alexi pinstripes.

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