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Pickup Covers For Fender Pickups


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I am changing the pickups on my Strat and was set on the Fender hot noiseless pickups, but I really wanted to get some black pickups to change the look of my guitar. I found some on the net (hot noiseless in black), but they've since disappeared of the company's website and the company says that Fender doesn't make them in black. They sell some Seymour Duncan black single coil pickup covers, but told me they wouldn't fit the hot noiseless pickups. So, I have two questions, are the pickup covers on Fender pickups removable? And second, does anyone know where I can buy some black single coil pickup covers that will fit Fender pickups? I've pretty firmly decided on the hot noiseless pickups, but I really, really would like to get them in black if at all possible. Thanks for your help,


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You're probably just going to have to go with eBay or the new Fender SCN Noiseless if you want black pickups.

BTW, I know you said you're firmly set on the Fender Hot Noiseless, but there are literally dozens of pickups available that'll sound just as good and won't put you through hell of trying to find the right color. Dimarzio Virtual Vintage Blues/Solo or Area '61 will probably sound just as good for you.

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