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Bolt On Or Set Neck?

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I just finished cutting my mahagony tele body out a few days ago and have been stuck on the the type of neck to build.

I have never seen a set neck tele so i have no real experience with them at all, though i have used the bolt on variety plenty of times.

Personally, i love set necks and neck throughs, but i'm not sure what a tele set neck would turn out like and whether it is actually a good idea.

Any comments appreciated.


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To me, one of the greatest things about a set neck is the reduction of the heel. In a tele, you will not get that because of the way the body is so thick, and the way it is shaped.

As for tone and sustain, it has been my experience that a set neck is superior if every other variable is good. Depending on how you design it, the neck could extend past where the bolt on area would be and into the neck pickup rout, probably making a more solid connection.

Just trying to point out things. If all your going to do is glue it where you would bolt it, I wouldnt bother. If your going to extend the tenon, then it may be worth it.

Edited by custom22
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It will be certainly a nice long tennon joint.

The size of the heel: if you mean the large ammount of wood that teles have at the bottom of the neck, i will be greatly reducing that.

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