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Bushes Wont Tighten Up On The Machine Heads

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Just a small tip I had to improvise with. When I fitted my machine heads to the headstock, the bushes used to screw into the m-heads tightened before they came into contact with the wood.

They were about 3 mm to long so I ground them down using a disc sander ( the type you use in your drill ) and some 120 grit paper. It left a nice neat finish on the ends (unlike cutting) and they screwed in first time


Edited by jaycee
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I saw "Bush" and "Machine Head" in the thread title, and I had to giggle a little bit :D

And, opposite to your problem, Jaycee, I'm looking at my Sperzels and my 10/16" headstock and thinking "Man, that wood is WAY too thick for these tuners!" I don't think that the screws are going to tighten enough to uncover the hole to put the strings through.

I mean, if Sperzel says it can be that thick, ok, but I still thinking I'm going to take 1/16" off of it, just to be sure.

All this trouble could be circumvented if I drilled the little tiny stud holes. I should get on that :D


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