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Any one use the trem template from stewmac? I'm really f'ing pissed!!! I don't know why this didn't happen to me the first time, but the second trem guitar I was building got totally screwed up due to a very subtle alignment issue with it. The instructions show a dotted line going across the template where you line it up 25" from the nut. There is a dotted line on the template as well and I used it to line it up 25" from the nut. My mistake was not taking time to double check the position in relation to the neck pocket. If I did this, I would have seen the problem right away. Since I only get about 1 1/2 hrs. to build per night, I guess I just hurried a bit too much.

The end result was that the trem block hole was routed much too close to the neck and now the body blank has become a shipwreck. I might keep it for use as a body shape template but it cannot be used as the real thing anymore.

The dotted line that I used to line up the template is just a center line and is not intended to be used for alignment. The vertical center line is used but the horizontal is not supposed to be used. Ughhhhh :D !!!!

I just wanted to post this in case someone else attempts to use one of these - ignore the horizontal line!! There is no line on it to use for alignment - just use the holes. God damn muther f'er, $%#@#$ !!!!!


:D that sucks dude, what kind of wood is it? did you think about maybe working out the scale neck you could put on there and make a mini guitar? I barely get an hour a night to work on my guitars if that makes you feel any better, last night infact i drilled a 1/2" hole about 1/4" deep into the guitar directly where the hardtail bridge is supposed to go, i stoped and i wasl like... hmm... wait a second.... there's a why is there a rectange around that part of the carving.... awwwwwww crap.. lol

oh ya, this may sound kinda lame, or way to much work, but couldn't you block off what you just routed and start over?? B) if the guitar is going to be a solid colour you may want to consider it if you don't want to have a 20$ body template.


Are you referring to the clear trem rout template that can be spun around to do a wilkinson style trem, or a fender style?? Might be a little hard to have a refference line when both sides are different... Mine came with clear instructions. However, it probably could have TWO sets of horizontal alignment lines, to save confusion.

Put the body to the side and make a longer neck with maybe 26 frets or something next time. Save you throwing the body away.

Stewmac routing instructions

Id suggest emailing them, and make a suggestion of moving the line, and adding another. They seem to respond well to constructive feedback.


Thanks Derek,

It was my first maple body and it was looking awesome. Everything about it was lining up to be just the way I wanted it. Beautiful neck pocket, nice body shape, ... I'm going to glue up another tonight.

I marked the template so I won't forget next time. I just wish they didn't put that dotted line on it since it isn't supposed to be used.

:D that sucks dude, what kind of wood is it? did you think about maybe working out the scale neck you could put on there and make a mini guitar?

That's exactly what I was thinking. Why not just build a custom neck. You could even keep the same scale length but make the neck longer to accomidate the brige placement.

Come to think of it, you would have fantastic access to the upper frets that way.

Finding a truss rod to fit a long neck might be an issue. Or, you could use a bass truss rod. I guess those would be long enough.

There's tons of options. Don't write it off as a shipwreak just yet.


Thanks guys. I will try to find a use for it some day. It's a very nice piece. I can't use it for this project since it's being built for someone else. I'll probably fill it in and build one for myself when I get the time (yeah right). I seem to remember this issue when I did my last trem body - I must have been more careful. Too bad my memory cells aren't quite what they used to be :D !

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