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Help Finding Kit Supplier


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Hi all i live in Vienna, Austria and i am looking for a DIY kit. I have seen lots of kits for sale in america, but are there any websites in europe that ship to austria. I am especially looking for a PRS kits. Thanks for the Help.

Most US stores will ship the Austria. Also, define 'kit'; you want a cheapie Saga PRS style kit?

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60 dollars worth of shipping is pretty reasonable for an entire guitar, airmail, from the US. Also remeber you'll pay VAT over the value of the kit and the shipping, and probably a percentage of income duties over the value of the kit itself when it arrives. It's not cheap, that's for certain.

Rockinger.com's in Germany, don't think they do SAGA PRS kits, though, but they have a lot of other stuff. Not cheap, but the quality's good.

http://www.universaljems.com/cart/kitun.htm might be good.

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