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Varitone Rotary Switch Help.


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First of hi everyone :D

I purshased these the a few days ago and the arrived this morning.


And was aiming to follow this guide http://alexplorer.net/guitar/mods/varitone.html

So heres what ive worked out on the switch so far


Now going of that could someone more knowledgable please look over my working out and point out any errors/help out. Thanks.

Heres what i think it would be:

Main lug - To ground

Lug 1 to 5 - A cap on each 1 with 1 leg of the cap soldered to the kug and the other ends soldered together and then to the hot lug on the master volume.

Thanks. :D

Edited by wickerwolf
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Hey all, after jotting down some ideas ive worked out how to use the above rotary switch to allow for 9 variations instead of 4. By adding in a SPDT or DPDT switch. At the moment the only capacitors ive got in stock are





So ill have to run some in parrallel to get the variations.








I could also do

0.200 and something else, but they would have to much bass in them to be of any use right?

Whats some recomended values to use that i can make using the stock i have?

The pic i posted in the 1st post i have now come up with this much so far

Lug 1 to 5 - A cap on each 1 with 1 leg of the cap soldered to the lug and teh other legs to ground. Then solder other value caps to lug 1 to 5 on the oposite side of the switch. Then the 2 main lugs go to the SPDT/DPTH switch which then allows me to switch between side 1 and side 2 of the rotary switch, allowing for the 9 variations. Does this all sound about right? How would i also make a way to bypass the rotary switch?

Edited by wickerwolf
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