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Favourite Nut Material

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I haven't replaced any nuts on any of my instruments, but I tend to like the sound of Tusq nuts best, and they also have fewer problems with binding. However, I have a couple of cheaper guitars with various plastic nuts and the darker tone works well for them as well; they are starting to show signs of wear far faster than my Tusq nuts.

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I searched around for that tutorial about making a nut but couldn't find anything. Could you post a link?

I was referring to how to prepare bone to make nuts. Heres the link.


Heres what I have so far.


The pile on the left is the yield I got from those 2 leg bones that I rendered down. Sorry for the pun but they are "dry as a bone" :D .

The piece in the middle is a store bought bone blank so you can figure how many blanks I might be able to cut. All it took was a few dollars for the raw material and a little elbow grease at cutting and sanding. I sanded the faces on a chunk of 36 grit stapled to a flat block. The pile on the right consists of solid mother of pearl cutlery handles that I got for free. Think I got enough material for making nuts 'n stuff? :D

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