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Big Fat Sexy Hunka Hunka Burnin' Wood!


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Not to worry Wes, I've sworn to everyone the stains will be kept far, far away from this piece.

She's fat enough to get a few projects out of her tho!

I'm going to take your idea and grab my grinder and try out a carved top for one.

Wish me luck (and thanks for those carving pics, me no wanna use no stankin' spokeshaves, electricity is my FRIEND!) :D

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I thought you were offering up a prayer for me there for a minute until I looked closer. :D

Neat bit, thanks again, that looks kinda like my binding channel bit, but much wider.

I'll be picking one of those up.

What kind of grinder/sanding disc do I need again, I only have the normal grinding discs for grinding metals.???

PS, hey, the guy's got more!

I called him and asked him if he would do some resawing for me before he shipped it (my local guy's resaw machine is not that trustworthy)

...and he's cutting 2 slices off of it for me, leaving me a 1 3/4" slab left over fo' later on. Really nice guy too.

I also might try to make an acoustic with it too, but me no make no 'coustic gee-tars yet B)

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I considered making a solid-body out of the 1 3/4" remainder, and although it would be pretty cool, it almost seems like a waste, if you know what I mean...I'll probably wind up whoring it out as long as I can!

I see a Dobro top (always wanted to make one of those, I am a stone-cold fool for slide)

Acoustic top

Carved top

Solid-Body top

at least that much...she's a hawg sizewise! :D

And like I said, the guy's got more for sure, and the fact that he's willing to re-saw it for $5.00 a slice is a really great deal.

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