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I am going to hook up some EMGS to my new dinky body. They came with w/ a volume and tone pot connected with a capacitator. The volume and tone knobs cant stretch far enough to reach the holes to put them through. I wanted to know if there is a way to lengthen the capaitator. I was thinking to take the capacitator off and then add 2 peices of soder on both ends to lengthen it, then reconect it to both the volume and tone. I dont know if this would work. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :D


I guess that one leg is going to the casing of the volume pot. If so you can also solder the leg that now goes to the volume to the tone casing insted. You then add a wire between the vol and tone casings. Its less troublesome and that way you also have a much better grounding of the pots.

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