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Req: Assistance With Guitar Repair


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hello all,

I was wanting some advise on how to finish off a repair on my Yamaha PAC112. Basically, I bought the guitar with a few dents on the body, the largest one the size of a matchhead. The body being Alder you can see its not hard to do.

Reading somewhere that the best thing to fill dents was some superglue. So I went to work and layered tiny amounts of glue until the surface was slightly proud.

The following day I got out a razorblade with a bured edge and starting scraping the repair areas until it was almost flush with the body.

I then got out some 2000 grit and started sanding it down until the repairs could no longer be felt by a fingernail or touch.

But my finish has around the patched areas has gone. They look dull and cloudy. One of the patched areas, I think I must have gone right down to the wood as I think I might have reached the stain.

see pics. Sorry for the quality but that's the best i could with the mobile phone.

As mentioned the body is Alder and the finish polyurethane (i think) How do I restore the finish of my guitar so that the dullness is removed and get it basically like new. tia.







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You could try some auto polish on it and see if that polishes them out. If it doesnt I would use Danish oil or similar and rub it on with a clean cotton cloth. With several coats it may hide it.

I tried a car cut'n'polish but could not remove it. Might have to touch it up with a spray of acrylic ( i wonder if it binds with polyurethane?) and rub it back again.

thanks for the reply.

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