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Left Handed Wiring


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The only difference in wiring would be that when you wire your tone and volume pots, wire the pots such that they're a mirror image of any right handed wiring diagrams. Otherwise you'll be turning volume down when you want to go up and so forth. Everything else should be the same as on a righty.

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Problem with that is it will mess up the taper of the pots unless you buy (more expensive) reverse taper pots - the volume will seem full up until you get the knob almost all the way down, at which point it will quiet up real quick. Or maybe it will be real quiet until the last bit of turn where it gets real loud real quick - but I think it's the prior, not the latter. Either way, the volume knob won't be nearly as useful - dialing in the appropriate volume will be a pain in the ass.

Also - even disregarding this, I'm not sure you'd want to swap them around - it seems to me that even with them on the other end of the guitar, you'd still want the knobs turning clockwise. It's a bit disorienting, but I'm sitting here with a guitar upside down (Hendrix style) holding a loose knob in my hand where it'd be positioned on a left-handed instrument and doing fake pinky swells, and it seems to me you'd definitely still want them turning clockwise.

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A word of caution! If you wire up the pots "backwards", then the audio taper on the pot will be incorrect. With logarithmic taper (or audio taper) pots, the half way mark on the pot is not half of the resistance, but about 20% of the resistance from one end and 80% from the other. On a left handed guitar, if you want to wire the pots up left handed (ie anti-clockwise rotation to increase volume) then you will need to use anti-logarithmic taper pots, or pots with a "backwards" taper.

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