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Axis (warmoth Vw Template)

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This is my first attempt at making a template. You are all welcome to download it and try it out.

I found an excellent top body shot of a Warmoth VW, and just had to try and make the template.

I used Gimp to scale and outline it.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by cajunboy2k
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Just a word to the wise, I'm pretty sure your signature graphic is breaking forum rules. Don't have a rulebook handy, but I'm pretty sure no images are allowed, and text is limited to X number of lines and content as well.

The outlining job looks good! It's certainly usable by anybody else, though they might need to scale it on their own end. Well done. :D

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Thanks for the compliments. I used The Gimp to scale the picture. I put in the actual length and width in inches. Since it is just a line drawing, individual scaling should be simple.

I'm currently working on Strat, Tele, Les Paul, V, RG and SG templates. I have the measurements for these.

I need the overall length and width of a Warlock, and I will make one of it as well.

I also removed the sig graphic. Don't want to break any rules.

I do have a question for the experts:

When I print these templates out, how do I find the center line?

Edited by cajunboy2k
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