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I'm working on a 37"-34" fanned fret bass neck, and I'm planning to use a Stew-Mac hot rod with a spoked adjusting nut (link). I would like for the adjustment nut to poke through the fingerboard, bisecting the 23rd fret. If I do it that way, the end of the rod will only reach to the first fret, whereas most truss rod installations I've seen go to the nut. Will this cause me problems? I could push the rod closer to the nut, but then I have to ditch the spoked nut, and I was really excited about that feature.

Here is a picture of what I mean. Click the image for a bigger view.


Just to be clear, you're not hacking into that Dingwall (AB1?), are you?

Certainly not! There are a couple things I would like to change, but I have too much sense to go messing with such a nice, valuable instrument.


Anybody? Am I missing important information, or is there just not a good "right" answer?

Anybody? Am I missing important information, or is there just not a good "right" answer?

what i do is; (with a rgular bullet style end) is flush the adjuster to the bottom of the fretboard;

with any left over space under the fb i epoxy in some ebony or blackwood, and but it up to the bottom of the rod (this is w/the adjuster at the heel) just so it dosent get pushed up; and so its not an empty space;

i also feel that nothing is going to happen to the 1st 5" of the neck that any truss rod could fix;

hpoe that helps

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