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I recently started painting a guitar i am building. I sealed the woodgrain pretty well, or I thought I did, After putting on the first 2 layers of primer I noticed several flaws I hadn't seen before, and several spots where the grain was hardly sealed. In the pdf file from howtopaintyourownguitar.com suggested bondoing over the primer to fix any problems you see later. I bought some bondo, and started trying to cover some of the flaws. The primer melted everywhere I put bondo, I decided to just let it dry and see what happens. It dried and it apeared to have set up just fine and it is bonded to the primer/wood just fine but there are cracks everywhere in the bondo.....

If anyone has any ideas about what happened or how I can fix it, please help.


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It was Plastikote classic laquer sandable grey primer. It had been cured maybe a week, so it hasn't had much time to cure at all.

edit: I looked over the book again and it warned that it may dissolve the primer and that you should try putting it on thick and barely spreading it around. It will dry in a few hours so I will give another update then...

Edited by benpari
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