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Les Paul Upgrade


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Wired wrong?

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I'm building a saga lp guitar kit it's finished but it had a high hum. it turns out the pick-ups are wired wrong. i'd like to upgrade, not cheap but quite nice. i've never bought pick-ups before and have no idea what to look for.

Any suggestions?

Edited by Dauntless
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I'm building a saga lp guitar kit it's finished but it had a high hum. it turns out the pick-ups are wired wrong. i'd like to upgrade, not cheap but quite nice. i've never bought pick-ups before and have no idea what to look for.

Any suggestions?

You can look on eBay and find some inexpensive replacements easily. There are ALWAYS some pairs of humbickers taken from Epiphones. While they're not top-of-the-line, they're not bad. They're gonna be a dang sight better than whatever came with the Saga kit, and you can probably get them for under $50 shipped, depending on where you live.

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Super 2


yeah, i have that one as a neck humbucker with Series/Parallel switch (push-pull) it sounds good when distorted in series, but sounds way better when using the clean channel and in parallel (almost a stratocaster-feel). my other humbo is a Super Distortion (bridge)

dude (LPboco) if you're thinkin' bout upgrading your humbuckers, think first what's your style and what do you want from your guitar (full shredd, bluesy feel, classic rock). I went with the Super Distortion/Super 2 combo becos i wanted high output pickups and a classic feel, bing able to play blues or metal. The SD is perfect for me (and the S2 is too)

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A burstbucker in a Saga kit? Strikes me as a waste of money. Each individual pickup is worth more than your entire guitar!

I would consider the options already listed in this thread-- it's good advice. GFS will be fine, or any number of used pickups on eBay.

As for the hum-- I agree that it's wiring in the control cavity, not the pickup itself... nobody busts open a pickup to rewire it. even if they color-coded the leads coming out of the pickup wrong, you just reverse them at the spots they're connected-- not inside the pickup!


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