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MUHAHAHAH!!!!!!! i made it!

i'd make the headstock a bit wider.... and if your also going to do that full length fingerboard inlay..... we'll hf, we'll see ya some time in 2005 :D


That will be a tough first inlay, but it will look like crap if you try to do it on maple. Your first attempts should be on ebony, since this is the most forgiving inlay wood. If you end up with imperfect inlay cavities you can simply use black stained CA or epoxy to fill the gaps and get a good result. Maple is impossible to fill invisibly, so even tiny errors look like crap. Also, when you level the inlay you will rub the dust from your inlay into the grain of your maple board, which will make it look dirty.

Basically, forget maple until you've got a whole shedload of experience. And then forget it then too, unless you have a highly developed degree of self loathing and a desire to make yourself unhappy. :D


Well, I put my thoughts in the post that is in the Inlay/Finishing section. I don't know why this has been posted twice?

To sum them up, I say go for it but not with maple. Save maple for after many years of experience. More comments in the post that is in the Inlay/Finishing area.

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