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finger poo and rusty crap


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on all of my guitars i have finger poo allover the fingerboards...why won't anything kill that off? it won't disappear..any ideas?

also...i have rust on all my guitars, not sure how..but its there

squier: rust on...trem arm, pole pieces, bridge, screws

ibanez: rust on the pickup surround screws.

yamaha: rusty pickup screws

why are these the parts that go rusty when nothing else does?

btw..for finger poo i've tried soapy water and of course scraping with a plectrum...oh and wiping neck after playing

any ideas would be great


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goo gone, you can get it at any grocery store or hard ware store , its a citrus cleaner for removing gunk. i use it for removing tape gunk off of the fret board after i clear the guitar, it wont harm laquer either, but test it somewhere safe first just for saftey reasons.

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