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How Long To Wait After Stain B4 Nitro?

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Hi all.

I applied large amounts of water based stain on my project, it's been drying for three days. It's been raining for three days. How well does it need to dry before I can apply a washcoat of nitro? If I rub my fingers over the stain, I get a little color on my fingers. I'm assuming that if it was perfectly dry, I wouldn't get color off - is that right? Will I still get color off if it's perfectly dry, can I use that as a test? I'm using the powder analine dye from woodcraft.

I'm just ready to get on with it.


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I have very little experience with dying, but I imagine that it isn't dry if it's still coming off on your fingers. This...

I applied large amounts of water based stain on my project

plus this...

It's been raining for three days.

... might be why it's taking a while to dry. (I assume it's just the general humidity of the rain, not that you're leaving it out in the rain. :D )

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