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Fender Humbuckers

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The general opinion of those that I've gathered is that they sound good, but pretty standard. Like nothing special, but by no means low-quality humbuckers. They are neither constructed nor sound anything like the original Seth Lover-invented Fender Wide Range Humbuckers, but if you use them in conjunction with 1Meg pots you'll get a lot better twang and make them sound at least a little more like they should. Like a '72 Tele Deluxe. *Swoon*

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Dunno what woods your guitar have,but that seymour duncan pearly gates really rocks...

Its a pickup with a unique sound comparing to others,i have tested also the gibson 490R & 498T,the 498T is a pure rock pickup but nothing soo importand,the 490R is just,nothing so importand but still good.

Depeds to the guitar you want to fit them in too,pearly gates is used both in fenders and LP's.

You can go check the seymour duncan website,there are some extended information there about their pickups,and some sound clips.

Edit:I woudnt consider again to buy a fender or gibson pickup...Since seymour duncan and dimarzio are still on.(my personal opinion always)


Edited by Nicko_Lps
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